Perry County Prison Upgrade

The Perry County Prison Upgrade includes a new mechanical system, new roof, and new plumbing equipment.  Silvertip was awarded the plumbing contract for this Project which began in September 2010.  The plumbing upgrades include a complete replacement of three mechanical rooms which serve as the Prison's source of domestic hot/cold water.  Four existing fuel oil hot water heaters with storage tanks are being removed for four new propane gas hot water heaters with storage tanks to be installed.  The new propane gas hot water heaters have a thermal efficiency up to 98%.  The system will also have new mixing valves, expansion tanks, piping, and accessories.

Silvertip is also replacing the existing above ground 1000 gallon propane tank with two (2) 1000 gallon underground propane tanks in the same location.  The new propane tanks will serve the existing kitchen equipment as well as the new hot water heaters.  The gas piping for the propane tanks is ran along the roof and penetrates above each mechanical room. 

Project Update December 10, 2010

Excavation for the underground propane tanks started on December 6, 2010 and completed three (3) days later on December 8, 2010 with underground piping and backfill complete.  The propane gas piping is installed on the roof with drops made for the future mechancial room connections.  The domestic water system is still in operation with replacement of the first mechanical room scheduled for January 2011.